Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Awesome Book of Bible Stories for Kids

Author: Sandy Silverthorne
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Paperback: 144 pages
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
(August 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0736929231

Book Description:

Award-winning writer and illustrator Sandy Silverthorne pairs biblical accounts with contemporary technology and culture. The result is a hilarious and informative blend of Bible lessons and modern-day applications. Kids ages 6 to 12 will instantly relate to Bible characters and eternal truths presented from a twenty-first-century kid’s perspective. Stories are introduced with improbable questions that will draw young readers in and stimulate their thinking. For example, what if…
  • Noah’s ark was a cruise ship?
  • Gideon vs. the Midianites was replayed as a video game?
  • Nehemiah’s rebuilding of Jerusalem was featured on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition?
These comical illustrations and thoroughly up-to-date retelling of Bible stories will captivate young minds and hearts while maintaining the integrity of the characters and message.
My thoughts:
How many times have we read Bible stories to our kids and had their attention wonder because they just couldn't relate to the Old Testament/New Testament people? The Awesome Book of Bible Stories for Kids tells Bible stories in ways a child/teenager can identify. It gives them what-if scenarios in modern everyday life terminology. I can imagine this book being appreciated in home Bible study and in the church/youth group setting alike.  Comical, yet informative, just what kids like! Thank you to Harvest House Publishing for my review copy.