Perfect Paperback: 105 pages
Publisher: Dane & Dane, LLC.;
Publisher: Dane & Dane, LLC.;
First edition (December 29, 2008)
ISBN-10: 0982095600
ISBN-10: 0982095600
Product Description:
"Fairy Hunters, Ink." is about a small group of intrepid fairy hunters who go about finding fairies.And they are most unusual fairies. There are Button Fairies, Fire Fairies, Picnic Fairies and fairies of all kinds of things. The book is about fairies but it is also about the relationships between the characters themselves. It has been described by one reader as a combination of "Winnie the Pooh" and "Alice in Wonderland". The characters who thread their way through the book are Ashley, a most curious little girl about 5 years old; Big Rabbit, a stuffed rabbit (but not really stuffed) who is full of knowledge about carrots and many other things; Turtle, whom Ashley and Big Rabbit meet along the way as they chase a particularly mischievous Willow fairy and the narrator, Laura, whose age is never quite clear and who is always getting into trouble along with Ashley. They meet a lot of fairies and a few Gremlins along the way and they learn something about themselves as well. The book is full of word play and rhymes, silliness and seriousness. It can be read to a five year old or by a an eight year old or by an adult."
My Review:
Childhood is a magical time, when it's still easy to believe in fairies and make-believe places. And for some adults we are still mesmerized by fantasy characters and the images that go with them.
Sheila A. Dane has written just such a book. It's filled with fairy adventures and whimsical illustrations by Rose Csorda.
Some chapters which are included are:
*Teacup Fairies
*Turtle Makes A Discovery
*Attic Fairies
*Flute Fairies
*The Clothes Hanger Fairies
*River Fairies
*Ashley discovers a Mud Puddle Fairy
*How we found a Picnic Fairy and a Picnic Gremlin
The book's size reminds me of a child's coloring book with large print and illustrations to match. A child would be very comfortable with the format and fascinated with the stories.
I have also reviewed this book on Amazon.com. If you like my review, please give me a "yes" vote.
(Thank you to the author for my review copy.)