Monday, July 20, 2009

Fairy Hunters, Ink.

Author: Sheila A. Dane
Perfect Paperback: 105 pages
Publisher: Dane & Dane, LLC.;
First edition (December 29, 2008)
ISBN-10: 0982095600

Product Description:
"Fairy Hunters, Ink." is about a small group of intrepid fairy hunters who go about finding fairies.And they are most unusual fairies. There are Button Fairies, Fire Fairies, Picnic Fairies and fairies of all kinds of things. The book is about fairies but it is also about the relationships between the characters themselves. It has been described by one reader as a combination of "Winnie the Pooh" and "Alice in Wonderland". The characters who thread their way through the book are Ashley, a most curious little girl about 5 years old; Big Rabbit, a stuffed rabbit (but not really stuffed) who is full of knowledge about carrots and many other things; Turtle, whom Ashley and Big Rabbit meet along the way as they chase a particularly mischievous Willow fairy and the narrator, Laura, whose age is never quite clear and who is always getting into trouble along with Ashley. They meet a lot of fairies and a few Gremlins along the way and they learn something about themselves as well. The book is full of word play and rhymes, silliness and seriousness. It can be read to a five year old or by a an eight year old or by an adult."

My Review:
Childhood is a magical time, when it's still easy to believe in fairies and make-believe places. And for some adults we are still mesmerized by fantasy characters and the images that go with them.

Sheila A. Dane has written just such a book. It's filled with fairy adventures and whimsical illustrations by Rose Csorda.

Some chapters which are included are:
*Teacup Fairies
*Turtle Makes A Discovery
*Attic Fairies
*Flute Fairies
*The Clothes Hanger Fairies
*River Fairies
*Ashley discovers a Mud Puddle Fairy
*How we found a Picnic Fairy and a Picnic Gremlin

The book's size reminds me of a child's coloring book with large print and illustrations to match. A child would be very comfortable with the format and fascinated with the stories.
I have also reviewed this book on If you like my review, please give me a "yes" vote.

(Thank you to the author for my review copy.)

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Patchwork Lady

Author: Mary K. Whittington
Illustrator: Jane Dyer
Ages 4-8
32 pages
Publisher: Houghton Miffin Harcourt Press

The Patchwork Lady lives in a quaint little house. She wear "plaid dresses, argyle stockings, and checkered slippers."

She braids her hair with colored ribbons and prepares her house, because company is coming. The Patchwork Lady tends her garden and arranges baskets of flowers for the table, decorates the house with streamers, and makes plum punch and chocolate cupcakes. Something special is going to happen.

This is one of my favorite children's books. My youngest daughter and I spent many days enjoying this together.

I know you will enjoy the old-fashioned spirit of the book and it's whimsical illustrations.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Too Too Many Tutus

By-Suzanne Davis Marion
Illustrated by- Marj Hales
32 pages
ISBN: 978-1439218471
BookSurge Publishing

It is almost time for little Christina's ballet class, but she doesn't know which of her many tutus to wear. She ask her mommy for help selecting one, but Christina is told to ask her daddy. Her daddy says she has too many, so it's too difficult for him to choose, too.

Christina finally gets a big idea from her brother Max. Which color will Christina choose--green, blue, pink, yellow, violet, or orange?

I highly recommend this colorful children's book to parents, teachers, and grandparents-- or anyone who wishes to share it with a special little girl who loves ballet. The story is sweet and the illustrations are beautiful.

(Thanks goes to the author for my review copy.)

The Inconvenient Adventures of Uncle Chestnut

Author: Paul Nowak
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Paperback: 64 pages
Publisher: Eternal Revolution (May 29, 2009)
ISBN-10: 0977223493

The Inconvenient Adventures of Uncle Chestnut by Paul Nowak is a children's book that packs between it's covers, truth, wisdom, and humor that even adults can use, and relate to. It is based on the works G.K. Chesterton, one of the most influential English writers of the 20th century.

This book teaches children to see everyday inconveniences as opportunities for joy and personal growth.

Chapters include:
*The Runaway Hat
*The Boy Who Wanted to See Giants
*A Trip to the Seaside
*The Easy Job
*Words to Know

Chesterton, a profound and prolific early 20th century writer, authored more than 100 books over his lifetime, and influenced many other great thinkers and writers like C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Mahatma Gandhi.

(Thank you to the author for my review copy)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

100 Bible Stories, 100 Bible Songs

Author: Stephen Elkins
Illustrations by: Tim O'Connor
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Hardcover: 208 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (March 1, 2005)
ISBN-10: 1591452392

This book of bible stories, plus a bible song to go along with each one, is going to be a great hit with our large family. I am so impressed with it, that I am planning on giving it as gifts to my grandchildren.

The book is filled with bright, colorful pictures on each page and comes with 2 high quality CD's with 50 songs on each. Many of the songs are traditional and bring to memory a time in my life when I sang them with my six children, who are now grown up with families of their own. The songs on the CD's are sung in children’s voices which are sure to hold the attention of young people—toddlers and up.

This is a unique book that everyone in the family will use and enjoy. In fact, it would be perfect for Christian “family nights.” It would be a wonderful devotional tool and a fun way to introduce your child to bible scripture that will help them store faith and comfort in their hearts for a lifetime.This is the perfect book for parents, grandparents, Sunday school teachers, youth directors, and home school moms.

On a scale from one to ten, this would score a perfect 10. I highly recommend it.
(Thank you for Thomas Nelson for my review copy)