Friday, July 17, 2009

The Patchwork Lady

Author: Mary K. Whittington
Illustrator: Jane Dyer
Ages 4-8
32 pages
Publisher: Houghton Miffin Harcourt Press

The Patchwork Lady lives in a quaint little house. She wear "plaid dresses, argyle stockings, and checkered slippers."

She braids her hair with colored ribbons and prepares her house, because company is coming. The Patchwork Lady tends her garden and arranges baskets of flowers for the table, decorates the house with streamers, and makes plum punch and chocolate cupcakes. Something special is going to happen.

This is one of my favorite children's books. My youngest daughter and I spent many days enjoying this together.

I know you will enjoy the old-fashioned spirit of the book and it's whimsical illustrations.


Donna M. Kohlstrom said...

Sounds like the perfect book to buy my young granddaughters!

Carmen said...

This sounds delightful! I loved reading the old Pippi Longstocking books. The write up reminds me of them.

Katie said...

Thanks for the new blog... I'm looking forward to seeing all the new posts as a follower!